Keller-Martin has extensive construction experience
in a wide variety of projects.
This category shows a few representative projects. Please contact us for more information about our experience and capabilities.


  • Saint Pius X Catholic Church Gymnasium

    …on time and under budget, in large measure due to the advice, wise counsel, and persistence of Keller-Martin

  • Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church Gymnasium

    Your involvement in the early stages of design and 'value engineering' input were invaluable.
    Keller-Martin took everything in stride, finding ways to do a better job, at a lower cost

  • Northeast Bible Church Gymnasium

    Keller-Martin has enjoyed an enviable reputation for quality and timely performance over the years.

  • La Canterra Golf Academy

    Keller-Martin truly had the project and the owner’s interest at heart throughout the job.

  • Trinity University Swimming Pool Renovation

    Keller-Martin helped to identify other areas where we could save without reducing the quality or appearance...